Diet Problems Solved With One Question

Do you have difficulty selecting the right kind and amounts of food to eat throughout the day? If so, you will want to read this article from TFW Founder, Martin Rooney about the secret question he discovered to solve all your nutrition and diet issues.  Answer the question correctly and watch your life change.

As a “fitness guy,” you might think working out and eating right is easy for me. Maybe you believe I spend my time in between multiple workouts a day eating Brussels sprouts and grilled chicken with nothing but a smile on my face because of some enhanced ability to delay gratification.

Perhaps you imagine I am also impervious to the confusion caused by the latest diet fad and just munch on celery sticks while dreaming up my next warrior workout.

I wish I could say you’re right, but I can’t.

Just like you, I face daily challenges in terms of my health and fitness. My biggest health challenge isn’t getting to the gym.

To be honest, my toughest health obstacle has to do with my eating.

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But just like I love to train, I also love to eat.

When it comes to eating, however, satisfying my body and mind is not so easy. I have learned overloading your plate isn’t as positive as overloading your deadlift.

If you also have some challenges with your eating, I have great news!

I have a way to help. Before I give you the answer, I want to ask you 10 QUESTIONS about your past diet practices:

Have you ever eaten too much to only ask “Why did I just do that?”

Have you ever found it difficult to stop eating until your plate is empty?

Do you ever select a restaurant according to how much food you get per serving?

Do you ever eat so fast you didn’t even notice the taste or texture of the food?

Do you care less about the quality of your food as the amount increases?  (Buffet anyone?)

Do you find yourself snacking at work because food is there?

Do you ever eat out of boredom? 

Do you find yourself eating for entertainment or out of emotion?

Do you ever feel bad or guilty about the things you ate?

Is your family or social life centered around food or drink consumption?

If you answered “yes” to any (or many) of the QUESTIONS above, you are just like me.

I have been a culprit of eating too much, thinking consistent exercise was a license to eat whatever I wanted, eating when I was distracted, inhaling jars of “natural” peanut butter because I thought it was healthy, and racing up for seconds to make sure I got as much food as possible before I got full.

I have realized I have some mental programs that create challenges with my eating. If you answered “yes” to some of the questions above, maybe you have some bad eating programs too.

Why do you have these mental programs about eating?

You can blame your post-Depression era parents or grandparents.

You can blame the marketers and the fast food companies.

You can blame the starving people from around the world you were warned about as a child.

Go ahead. Blame the carbs.

Blame the fats.

But that won’t help you.

You need to do something to “change the program” and I have one

QUESTION that can help.

This is the QUESTION I now ask before every meal and it is helping me.

This QUESTION helps me to take and eat less food.

This QUESTION allows me to leave something on my plate.

This QUESTION taught me not having seconds is ok.

This QUESTION stops me from stuffing myself when I am no longer hungry.

This QUESTION has been so powerful for me, I want to give this gift to you.


How does it work?

Right before you are about to eat, ask yourself the QUESTION. If you decide you are feeding your mind, make the appropriate changes, omissions or additions to your meal.

Answering honestly will help you to determine whether the food choice is right, the amount of food is right, and if the timing of the food is right for your body.

Face it, you already have all the answers.

You know what is and is not good for your body and when you need to eat.  Use the QUESTION so your mind doesn’t allow you to act confused. Fruits, Vegetables, Lean Meats, Water. Start there and feed your body before your mind worries you about the difficulty with going gluten-free.

Food is a drug.

People who have overcome challenges with drugs still face those challenges every day. The plan to stay drug-free is simple:

Use effective strategies to avoid bad habits and take it one day at a time.  

For your challenges with food, take one meal at a time. The effective strategy is to ask, answer and adapt to THE QUESTION.

Now I know you may have one QUESTION of your own:

Is it ever ok to feed my mind?” My answer is, “of course.”

Whether you want to call it a cheat meal, a treat or a sweet indulgence, I think you need to keep your mind happy too.

But this is not a license to allow your mind to destroy your body.

Constantly indulging your mind at the expense of your body is not the answer.

If you have a sweet tooth, have a taste of chocolate, not the whole bar.

If you like steak, cut it in smaller pieces and save some for later.

Want some ice cream? Have a small cone, not the whole gallon.

But which ever you choose, when you are treating your mind, do not forget to ask yourself the QUESTION.

Can it be that simple?

Give it a try and see for yourself.

Are You Feeding Your Body Or Your Mind?

The answer could set you free,

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