Are You Battling Depression, Anxiety, and a Lack of Motivation?

This is the first in a series of blogs devoted to individual members of our Tribe. They are sharing some of their history, both prior to and during their time at TFW Athens. They tell of struggles, fears, concerns, and questions about wanting more from life. There is a Hero’s Journey in all of them. They each recognize that which they are lacking, search for guidance, “Slay The Dragon”, and provide insights to others on a similar quest. It is our sincere hope that contained herein, you the reader see there is help for you within these walls. Join the fastest growing group fitness program in the world at TFW Athens and “Bring Out The Warrior Within!”

This is the journey of Tiffany Hope Rogers; student at Training for Warriors Athens

Training for Warriors Athens

Life before she started training at TFW Athens was filled with depression, anxiety, and a lack of motivation.

She was enrolled at a “regular gym (machines and cardio)” the year prior to joining TFW. Suffering from headaches and constant fatigue, Tiffany decided she would “rather waste money monthly for the 12 month contract I signed than actually go to the gym”

Tiffany was looking to get in shape and practice a form of self care. “Trapped in an unhealthy relationship”, she was in need of self confidence and something to fill her time “with some form of positivity.” She started TFW through a 5 week trial program. She remembers her consultant, Ashley, being super motivational, and although she couldn’t perform the basic exercises “there was no shame at all.”

After her first class with the rest of the tribe her nervousness (to the point she though she would be sick) quickly faded. “The coaches were always so supportive and empowering. They know the right balance of encouraging someone to push harder and pushing someone to the point of being discouraged”; a difference she finds very important. Tiffany loves her fellow training partners and the judgement free environment. “I swear- somehow the gym does a good job of attracting good people.”

Although Tiffany has lost weight (and all while earning her Master’s and studying abroad) it is not the thing for which she is most focused. “I feel as though the most significant results I have had is feeling both mentally and physically stronger.” About a year and a half after entering TFW Athens she “felt so much better”. Although a combination of factors has led to her discontinuing both her anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications; she contributes a lot of that to going to the gym.

Training For Warriors Athens

I think Tiffany does a great job below in explaining the power of TFW.

“I have gained a significant amount of confidence and self-worth- something not as easily numerically measured but so valuable to my everyday life. You start the program not being able to do an appropriate squat and then you hear your coach say your squat with a barbell on your back looks perfect and you say to yourself, “Okay…Now I am officially a badass.” How much weight did not really matter, there was no competition with anyone else besides myself, and then I just made the decision to feel awesome. I think actually being stronger helps too- I have had to move a couple times in a short period of time and having the ability to pack and move my stuff without completely tiring myself out was definitely a needed change.”

Her favorite part of TFW is that the gym is very holistic, family orientated, and community involved. She has been able to take both nutrition and self defense seminars. Additionally, she thinks it’s awesome that SBG (where TFW is located) takes the time to give back to the community in the form of: blood drives, toys for tots, food drives, road beautification, self defense seminars for children and women, and a 501(c)3 booster club to help youth students compete). “I think this alone is what sets SBG apart from other gym in Athens/Georgia.”

Here are the top three tips that helped Tiffany transform:

  1. “Despite popular belief it is okay for women to……eat protein and lift heavy.
  2. If you need to ask your team for help (for someone to run with you or give you extra encouragement) it is completely okay to ask. That is the point of having a tribe/familia (different terms have been used in this tip).
  3. Sometimes the most important thing you can do for yourself is just make it through the door.”

Do you struggle with some of the same things with which Tiffany struggled? You CAN make that change and TRANSFORM your life also!

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